I got up late today. After tidying up my room a bit, I cleaned up the living room and took out the stuffs from the bags. I wished I had internet so that I could play my favorite music while I was cleaning my house.
Then, I cooked Chicken with Potatoes. While I was waiting for the food to be done, I made a cup of Cocoa. Wow. It's delicious. Mai hasn't come back yet. I later found out that he forgot his key. Haha, poor kid...
Everybody was going to the Inauguration party. I had very limited time and thus I decided to stay at home and do house chores. I miss you, honey. I miss you.
When I cleaned the old stuffs, I found letters from my mom and sisters. I read them again and I cried a bit. I miss home. When can i go back home? When shall I have a chance to go back and meet my family there?
I paid all the items bought from ebay this evening coz these packages should be received by Feb. 2. Oh, I forgot to mention one more thing. I wrote some pages in my diary today.