Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday Exam is about Music!

Today, I will be presenting my final music project to the professor and classmates. I gave a lot of time to create this final masterpiece. Right now, I'm brushing up with my presentation and feeling better comparing with myself sitting alone in my room three hours ago. Man, this school needs a lot of writing. Even for a Math course, I have to write to get the style points from the professors. Yeah, it might be a good way to improve my writing skill even if I choose to be a Math major.

I'll be going to New York on December 14th and will stay there until January 4th. It's the winter break. I wish I could enjoy the break together with the people I love most on this earth. But, they are far far far far far far far away from me at this moment. I miss you, Mom. I miss you, my lovely nieces and nephew. I miss you, honey. I miss you, friends. I miss you, Kaunt-Nyin-Paung and Pae Pyout. :-(

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